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Michael Shannon Caps A Busy Year With Frank & Lola

Michael Shannon

Easily the busiest actor of the year, Michael Shannon has had 10 films in cinemas and festivals in 2016. The latest to arrive in American multiplexes is Frank & Lola, a romantic mystery set in Las Vegas, in which he plays a man who uncovers some uncomfortable secrets about his girlfriend (Imogen Poots).

Michael ShannonMichael Shannon talks 'Frank & Lola'

Shannon has made a career out of unexpected choices, switching between big blockbusters like Man of Steel and smaller independent dramas like this year's Midnight Special and Loving, both from his writer-director friend Jeff Nichols. "I'm not primarily profit-driven, necessarily," he laughs. And he finds it amusing that the films are never released in the same order that they're made. "If you look at something like Midnight Special, I made that quite awhile ago, and Warner Bros for some mysterious reason kept it in a closet for a year. With Frank & Lola, there is a Vegas part and a Paris part. And the Vegas part was like three and a half weeks and then we went to Paris for a week. But Elvis & Nixon was also coming together, so what we did was we went to Vegas shot the meat of the Frank & Lola story, did Elvis & Nixon in its entirety, and then did the Paris portion of Frank & Lola afterward! You get to the point where you're so tired and things just get sketchy."

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Nocturnal Animals Trailer

For a short time, Edward and Susan had a happy marriage, they lived in a nice neighbourhood, Susan had a good career and Edward was not far from taking the bar. Susan lives a fast-paced life and as such barely sleeps and Edward would somewhat affectionately tell her that she's a 'nocturnal animal'.

25 years later, Susan has remarried a serial philanderer and her life is far from happy. Unexpectedly a manuscript arrives at her door titled 'Nocturnal Animals' and with the dedication to 'Susan'. She pushes the pages aside and decides to leave them but eventually she can't help but start to read the book that she inspired Edward to write.

The story that unfolds is an incredibly dark tale of murder and revenge and Susan is shocked and traumatised that she would play such a pivotal role in the creation of such a dark piece of work. Susan's interpretation and retelling of the story soon impacts on her life and is unsure how Edward's return into her life will turn out.

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Midnight Special Review


Gifted director Jeff Nichols takes on another genre in his fourth film with actor Michael Shannon, after Shotgun Stories, Take Shelter and Mud. This one's an involving character-based sci-fi adventure made in the style of classic films like E.T. or Close Encounters. As the characters are thrown into an extraordinary situation, the story gradually reveals its fantastical secrets without resorting to the usual overblown blockbuster formula, which makes the movie remarkably resonant and genuinely thrilling.

Shannon plays Roy, a man who is on the run across Texas with his 8-year-old son Alton (Jaeden Lieberher) and his childhood friend Lucas (Joel Edgerton), who's now a state trooper. And the FBI is on their trail, investigating the religious cult they escaped from. Led by the defiant Calvin (Sam Shepard), the cult seems to have been centred around the unusual ability Alton has to gather information from government satellites. Which is why the FBI is so intent on tracking him down. Working with the FBI, NSA Agent Sevier (Adam Driver) is fascinated by Alton's abilities, and he begins to worry what might happen if the boy is captured. Meanwhile, Roy and Lucas have reunited with Alton's mother Sarah (Kirsten Dunst) and are continuing their journey across the American South. And time is clearly of the essence, since Alton is growing seriously ill.

Writer-director Nichols skilfully keeps the audience gripped by the central mystery, dropping in hints and revelations along the way that slowly build up to the final big picture. This forces the viewer into the same perspective as the characters, who don't have a clue what's going on but are gripped by the possibilities of what they're witnessing. This also makes it impossible to predict where the story might go next as it cycles through action, humour, emotion and exhilarating drama. Through all of this, the actors all offer beautiful textures in their characters, underplaying even the most intense scenes to make them feel strikingly realistic.

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16 Times Actors Excelled As Onscreen Musical Legends

Zoe Saldana Michael Shannon Brian Wilson Chadwick Boseman Joaquin Phoenix

We love a good biopic about a musical legend and with a new movie about Nina Simone coming soon starring Zoe Saldana, let's reflect on some of the best incarnations of famous musicians. Of course, not all of them were thoroughly well-received by their subjects' family members or even the subjects themselves, but others are still mind-bogglingly accurate.

Not all of these movies were released theatrically, and some feature more than actor in a musical role, but these are a few of the most gripping musical biopics that have ever hit our screens:

O'Shea Jackson Jr. in Straight Outta ComptonO'Shea Jackson Jr. played his father Ice Cuba in Straight Outta Compton

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Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Review


After 2013's beefy Man of Steel, director Zack Snyder goes even bigger and darker with this sequel, cross-pollenating Clark Kent's story with flashbacks to the origins of Bruce Wayne and his Dark Knight alter-ego. The problem is that the film is so big and loud that it can't help but feel bloated, especially since so much of what's on screen feels rather vacuous. But it looks amazing and is relentlessly gripping.

After a Bat-origin prologue, the story kicks off with the climactic battle from Man of Steel as seen from the perspective of Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck), watching his city being destroyed by Superman (Henry Cavill). This further fuels the rage that began when his parents were murdered. And that fire is stoked by the mischievous millionaire Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg). Meanwhile, Superman/Clark is struggling with how the world is revering him as a god, which is straining his relationship with intrepid reporter Lois (Amy Adams). As these very different vigilante heros head toward a climactic confrontation, Luthor is up to something seriously nefarious. And the ensuing chaos brings another hero into the open, Wonder Woman Diana Prince (Gal Gadot).

While the various plot threads are fascinating, and Snyder maintains a snappy pace, the overall story centres on the fact that Affleck's prickly, bitter Bruce is easily manipulated into doing terrible things, which makes him rather unlikeable. And Cavill's fundamentally good Clark isn't much easier to identify with. Both are also oddly constrained by their costumes and bulked-up physicalities, which leave them unable to move properly. This allows the side characters to steal the show: Adams adds emotion and passion, Eisenberg provides the nutty nastiness, Irons is hilariously cynical as Bruce's butler Alfred, and Fishburne is all bluster as Lois' editor. But in the end, the film belongs to the gorgeous, clear-headed Gadot, instantly making her stand-alone movie the most anticipated superhero project on the horizon.

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Michael Shannon Was Moved By Midnight Special

Michael Shannon

Midnight Special is the fifth movie he has made with filmmaker Jeff Nichols. Having appeared in all of Nichols' movies, Shannon feels like he's a brother. "We have a kind of rapport that just materialises out of thin air," Shannon says. "We can go a long time without seeing each other or talking to each other, and then we meet and it's like we just saw each other yesterday."

Midnight Special stars Michael Shannon and Jaeden Lieberher

He credits this to their similar backgrounds. "We both come from the same region of the U.S.," Shannon adds. "And I think we have a lot of common interests and influences. We also both share an aesthetic in terms of storytelling. I've always appreciated Jeff's economy and directness in his writing. I've always found it challenging to work on."

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Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Trailer

Every superhero has a dark side and being 100% human, Batman is in doubt over how genuine Superman actually is. After all, Superman is from a different planet and has incredibly natural powers; powers that could easily destroy our world.

As Lex Luther manipulates Batman and Superman into a deeper and deeper war, the duo find that they are pitted against a force that's much more of a present threat than either of the heroes. They are joined by a number of other heroes (including Wonder Woman and The Flash) on a quest to save earth from immediate danger.

Warner Bros. Pictures releases Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice in cinemas 25 March 2016.

Elvis & Nixon Trailer

Who would've thought that Elvis and Richard Nixon would become allies? When Elvis sporadically showed up at The White House, it was completely unexpected. He was the biggest pop star in the world and there he was, at the gates of The White House unannounced.

Under the advice of one of his top aides, Nixon is a talked into meeting with The King Of Pop. Nixon needed a boost in popularity and for him to be seen as becoming friends with America's most loved star would be a perfect photo op for The President.

Elvis is accepted and taken into the building; him and his security sidekicks are searched and relieved of their firearms. Whilst speaking with Egil Krogh, Elvis is run through a few of the certain White House protocols that one must follow on meeting the president, protocols Elvis is quick to cast aside. The reason behind this meeting was kept entirely secret, but now we'll learn about Elvis' aspirations to take on a new mission unlike anything he's ever done before.

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The Night Before Review


This blending of the stoner bromance with the Christmas comedy works surprisingly well, layering gross-out humour with holiday sentimentality. So it's a bit of a shame that the script is thin and ultimately rather pointless. There are observations about the nature of friendship and maturity, but nothing very deep. But along the way, the cast and crew pack in a riotous sense of humour that mainly centres on drugs and genitalia, plus a whiff of Christmas magic.

The movie centres on three best buddies in New York: Ethan, Isaac and Chris (Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen and Anthony Mackie). Over the past several years, they've celebrated Christmas together with a series of traditions including karaoke, Chinese food and loudly festive sweaters. But now Isaac's wife Betsy (Jillian Bell) is about to give birth to their first child, and Chris' pro-football career is beginning to take off. So this will be their last Christmas Eve together, and they plan to make it an epic one. Ethan has secured tickets to New York's most exclusive secret holiday party, which he learns that his not-quite-ex girlfriend Diana (Lizzy Caplan) is attending. Meanwhile, Betsy has given Isaac a box of drugs for a last blow-out, and Chris scores a stash of weed from a mythical dealer (Michael Shannon).

The premise is certainly packed with possibility, and the filmmakers have a ball with the druggy excesses as the night unfolds, including wildly anarchic set-pieces that throw these likeable characters into all kinds of messy situations. The three lead actors make the most of their roles, adding layers of complexity that aren't in the script while indulging in rampant silliness at every turn. And the supporting cast are up for it as well, fully committing to the movie's crazed atmosphere. There are also hilarious extended cameos from James Franco and Miley Cyrus.

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Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - Official Trailer

What happens when two superheroes with vastly differing opinions come head to head? Well, not very well if Lex Luthor has anything to do with it. Superman believes Batman is a vigilante and the civil liberties of the people of Gotham are 'being trampled on' whilst Batman feels Superman's abilities are blown out of proportion by the media and is far from a fan of his superhero outfit.

Lex Luthor has enough power to manipulate this situation to his benefit and pitches both heroes against one another - Son of Krypton versus Bat of Gotham however, when his plan doesn't go exactly to plan he creates a monster to destroy both men - on the verge of destruction, Batman and Superman are joined by Wonder Woman, Aquaman and other superheroes on their quest to save their city from destruction.

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice is directed by Zack Snyder and it's a precursor to The Justice League films - which are also written and directed by Snyder.

Midnight Special Trailer

Alton is a very special young boy who has been given a unique gift. When his father, Roy, finds out that Alton is in trouble with his freedom - and life - in jeopardy, Roy takes matters in his own hands and kidnaps his son. On the run and being hunted by religious extremists and special agents, Roy takes to the road with his close friend in order to protect his son.

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Video - Andrew Garfield And Michael Shannon At The '99 Homes' Premiere At Venice Film Festival

Andrew Garfield and Michael Shannon appear at the premiere for their new drama '99 Homes' held at the 71st Venice Film Festival. They are joined by director Ramin Bahrani, fashion designer Gaia Trussardi and beauty blogger Victoria Bonya.

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Video - Writer David S. Goyer And Amy Adams Are Seen Turning Up At The 'Man Of Steel' Premiere - Part 2

Screenwriter David S. Goyer and Amy Adams, who plays Superman's love interest Lois Lane, with her fiancé Darren Le Gallo were snapped on attending the world premiere of 'Man of Steel' in New York at Alice Tully Hall in the Lincoln Center. Michael Shannon, who plays the villainous General Zod, was also there with his partner Kate Arrington.

Continue: Video - Writer David S. Goyer And Amy Adams Are Seen Turning Up At The 'Man Of Steel' Premiere - Part 2

Superman Is Back! - 5 Reasons To Go See Man Of Steel This Summer

Henry Cavill Michael Shannon Russell Crowe Kevin Costner

The Man of Steel is quite possibly one of the most eagerly anticipated summer blockbusters to be released in 2013, with critics and audiences alike readying themselves for the long-awaited return of Superman on the cinema screen. With an all-star cast and some of Hollywood's best comic book adaptors working behind the scenes, the film should be one of the hits of the year, but incase you don't feel as though the film will live up to expectations here's a quick list of why you shoudl give it a try.

Watch the trailer for Man of Steel

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Man Of Steel Update - Michael Shannon On General Zod

Michael Shannon Henry Cavill

We’ve heard a great deal about Henry Cavill playing Superman, but, until now, Michael Shannon has remained remarkably quiet about his turn as General Zod, the ‘baddie’ in Man of Steel, due for release next week.

Shannon is best known, recently at least, for his role in Boardwalk Empire. He plays the religious prohibition agent turn criminal on the lam, Nelson Van Alden, and has done so to critical acclaim. Like Van Alden, Shannon doesn’t consider Zod to be intrinsically bad, just a guy getting on with things. “I don't consider him a bad guy. He's a general just trying to do his job. Ask any general what their purpose in life is and it's to defend whatever people they happened to be aligned with. He's aligned with Krypton. It's his mission, plain and simple.” Shannon recently flipped out, perhaps ironically, at Adam Buxton at a recent Q&A event at an Apple store in London. "Richard Kuklinski is the first hitman I've ever played," he snapped when BBC 6Music DJ Adam Buxton asked him why all his character seem to ‘snap’. "All my characters are different. I've been asked that question a bazillion times and I've answered it a bazillion times."

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Michael Shannon - Man Of Steel Video Interview

Michael Shannon appears as the villainous General Zod in 'Man Of Steel' and talks about how he enjoyed training for the movie, watching the movies as a kid and why Henry Cavill makes such a good Superman in a press interview.

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Man Of Steel - Alternative Trailer

Clark Kent is a mysterious young journalist who as adopted as a child by Martha and Jonathan Kent in a small, rural town in Kansas. However, he is an outcast on the planet Earth who possesses extraordinary alien powers because he was born on the planet Krypton; a planet that was destroyed when he was a baby. While he has tried his best all his life to fit in, his super-abilities inevitably come out when he prevents a tragic disaster as a teenager. As an adult, his new home is confronted by his own race who wish to destroy it and the time for hiding his powers away is over. He must use his gift to be the world's ultimate ally and defend it from forces human beings never dared wish existed.

'Man of Steel' is the brand new reboot of the 80s 'Superman' film series. It has been directed by Zack Snyder ('300', 'Watchmen', 'Sucker Punch') with production from his wife and frequent collaborator Deborah Snyder alongside 'The Dark Knight' trilogy producers Christopher Nolan, Emma Thomas and Charles Roven. This epic new super-flick is based on the DC comic book characters created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster and written by David S. Goyer. It will hit the UK this summer on June 14th 2013.

Man Of Steel - TV Spot Trailer

Clark Kent is a young reporter for the Daily Planet newspaper. He was adopted when he was a child after planetary disaster caused him to be sent down to Earth when his home planet Krypton was destroyed. His adoptive parents, Martha and Jonathan Kent, brought him up in the rural town of Smallville in Kansas. Throughout his life, his super-abilities isolated him from the rest of the population; he had to make a choice about what kind of man he wanted to become equipped with these powers. Naturally, he transforms himself into the Superman, a new found alter-ego, and uses his astonishing faculties to defend the planet when it comes under attack from an evil force that could prove to be a match for his abilities.

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A Week In Movies: Oscar Predictions For Jessica Chastain, Jennifer Lawrence, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day-Lewis And Anne Hathaway While Iceman And Mud Trailers Hit The Web

Jessica Chastain Jennifer Lawrence Kathryn Bigelow Anne Hathaway Denzel Washington Daniel Day Lewis Robert Zemeckis Michael Shannon James Franco Winona Ryder Reese Witherspoon

Golden Globes
Jessica Chastain and Jennifer Lawrence battle over Best Actress, Denzel Washington and Daniel Day-Lewis meet over Best Actor And Anne Hathaway favorite for Best Supporting Actress. While Iceman (James Franco, Winona Ryder) and Mud (Matthew McConnaughey and Reese Witherspoon) Trailers Hit The Web.

It's awards season for the film industry, so it's no coincidence that most stories this week centre on actors and filmmakers who are up for a variety of statuettes. Last Sunday's Golden Globes are increasingly seen as a little more than a promotional opportunity for hopeful Oscar nominees, and since they have winners in both drama and musical/comedy categories, they can spread the love around more than other groups. Unlike most years, there is no movie poised to sweep the Oscars this year.

Although Jessica Chastain for Zero Dark Thirty is gaining on her, Jennifer Lawrence for Silver Linings Playbook is the front-runner for Best Actress. Facing a huge crowd of fans, she stopped to sign autographs and pose for photos on her way to David Letterman's show this week.

Continue reading: A Week In Movies: Oscar Predictions For Jessica Chastain, Jennifer Lawrence, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day-Lewis And Anne Hathaway While Iceman And Mud Trailers Hit The Web

The Stars Roll In For The LAByrinth Theater Company Celebrity Charades 2013 Benefit Gala (Pictures)

Paul Rudd Michael Shannon America Ferrera

What's not to like? "Four celebrity teams clash in a fearsome and hilarious speed charades competition," it sounds amazing. Bobby Cannavale, Josh Charles, Sasha Cohen, Tom Colicchio, Billy Crudup, America Fererra, Eddie George, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Richard Kind, Padma Lakshmi, Zosia Mamet, Jesse L. Martin, Chris Rock, Sam Rockwell, Cynthia Rowley, Yul Vazquez, Daphne Rubin-Vega and David Zayas (phew!) were all in attendance.

Michael Shannon LAByrinth Theater Company Celebrity Charades 2013 Benefit GalaAmerica Ferrera LAByrinth Theater Company Celebrity Charades 2013 Benefit Gala

        Michael Shannon Arrives for some Celebrity Charades [L] America Ferrera Arrives for some Celebrity Charades[R]

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Video - Patrick Stewart, Jennifer Carpenter And Maggie Grace Arrive At NY 'Killing Them Softly' Premiere - Part 2

The New York 'Killing Them Softly' premiere was Hollywood star central with numerous movie stars taking to the red carpet including 'Star Trek' star Patrick Stewart with his partner Sunny Ozell, 'Dexter' star Jennifer Carpenter, Maggie Grace from 'Taken', 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' actress Taraji P. Henson and one of the premiering movie's stars Scoot McNairy.

Continue: Video - Patrick Stewart, Jennifer Carpenter And Maggie Grace Arrive At NY 'Killing Them Softly' Premiere - Part 2

Premium Rush Review

Director-cowriter Koepp fills this film with so many whizzy visual flourishes that we might not notice that the plot itself is utterly ridiculous. But as we laugh at every inane twist and turn, the energy is infections as the camera seems to fly right through busy New York City traffic as if we're riding the bicycle right along with the characters, seeing every potential danger spot from their perspective. And it's an adrenaline-pumping ride.

Our hero is Wilee (Gordon-Levitt), who gave up his law studies to become a daredevil courier who believes brakes are for sissies. So it doesn't seem too much to accept a job to carry an envelope for a friend (Chung) from one end of Manhattan to the other. But he's immediately accosted by frazzled cop Bobby (Shannon), who so desperately wants to get his hands on that envelope that we think his buggy eyes might explode. But Wilee is a clever biker determined to do his job, and as the cat-and-mouse chase travels down through the city, drawing in a tenacious bicycle cop (Tveit) and some nasty gangsters, Wilee gets help from his colleagues (Ramirez and Parks).

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Man Of Steel Trailer

Clark Kent is a young reporter for the Daily Planet newspaper. He was adopted when he was a child after planetary disaster caused him to be sent down to Earth when his home planet Krypton was destroyed. His adoptive parents, Martha and Jonathan Kent, brought him up in the rural town of Smallville in Kansas. Throughout his life, his super-abilities isolated him from the rest of the population; he had to make a choice about what kind of man he wanted to become equipped with these powers. Naturally, he transforms himself into the Superman, a new found alter-ego, and uses his astonishing faculties to defend the planet when it comes under attack from an evil force that could prove to be a match for his abilities.

Continue: Man Of Steel Trailer

Return Review

An edgy sense of realism makes this back-from-war drama surprisingly engaging, even though it's never as original as we hope it will be. But solid, naturalistic performances and an urgent, intimate approach make it worth a look.

After a tour of duty, Kelli (Cardellini) is home with her husband Mike (Shannon) and their two young daughters. She dives right back into her factory job, but something doesn't feel right. After a couple of setbacks, she discovers that Mike has been having an affair with Cara Lee (Swencionis). And when she has her driving licence taken away and is court-ordered to rehab, Kelli's rebellious streak kicks in. It's there that she meets Bud (Slattery), a jaded fellow war veteran who refuses to play by the rules.

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Return Trailer

Kelli is a soldier who spent fifteen months on a military tour in Afghanistan. She is eager to return to normal life in Ohio and to reunite with her husband and their children. She initially greets them with joy and returns to her previous job at the factory, happy to be settling back into a normal routine.

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Machine Gun Preacher Review

This remarkable true story resists being forced into a standard movie structure, which makes the film feel overlong as events seem to go in circles.

But the worthy story is packed with scenes that are suspenseful and inspiring.

Sam Childers (Butler) is at the end of his rope: just out of prison, still caught up in a wasted criminal life with pal Donnie (Shannon), and neglecting his wife Lynn (Monaghan) and their daughter Paige (Campos, then Carroll). Then at rock-bottom, Lynn's faith gets through to him, and he changes his life.

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13 Trailer

Vince Ferro is badly in need of money to support his family. His only source of income comes from working low paying construction jobs. One day, Vince overhears a conversation about a recently deceased man, who was about to start a well paid job around the time of his accident. The company the man was about to start working for have apparently not heard the tragic news.

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Premium Rush Trailer

Wilee is one of New York's best agile bicycle messengers, due in part to his skill at riding the 'fixie' - bikes with just one gear and no brakes. Every day he braves the famous New York traffic, weaving in and out of taxis and dodging traffic lights, so he can deliver packages on time, or as fast as he possibly can, if it is labelled 'premium rush'.

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Machine Gun Preacher Trailer

Sam Childers is a drug dealing biker whose main method of getting what he wants is violence. His life mirrors that of a 'Hells Angels' member and he admits that he isn't proud of his actions, even breaking down in front of his Christian wife, Lynn. In response to his cries for help, Lynn takes Sam to church, where he suddenly feels uplifted again. His preacher tells him about families in Sudan that need urgent care and Sam volunteers to travel there.

Continue: Machine Gun Preacher Trailer

Video - Michael Shannon Escaped Hurricane Irene In Harlem

Actor Michael Shannon (Pearl Harbor; Vanilla Sky; Boardwalk Empire) attends a press junket for his new movie, 'Take Shelter', which also stars Jessica Chastain. The film is a drama about a family preparing for a storm. He talks about evading Hurricane Irene in New York by staying with his grandmother in Harlem and about experiencing blizzards in Chicago, where he lived for a time. Michael also talks about how he identified with his character, Curtis and learning American Sign Language for the film.

Michael Shannon is currently filming the Superman remake, 'Man of Steel', in which he stars as supervillain General Zod. Henry Cavill also stars as Superman himself, making him the first non-American actor in the role. It is due for release in 2013

The Runaways Review

Very Good
A fascinating exploration of the effects of fame on young people, this true story is sharply directed and acted. It's also great to see a film about girl power that's this realistic and resonant. And packed with such great songs.

At only 15, Cherie Currie (Fanning) is overwhelmed when Joan Jett (Stewart) asks her to front her band The Runaways. With the encouragement of music promoter Kim Fowley (Shannon), Cherie becomes an iconic presence on stage and off, propelling the group into previously uncharted territory as female rockers. And while Joan and the other bandmates (Maeve, Taylor-Compton and Shawkat) take the lifestyle in their stride, Cherie is continually drawn back to her big sister (Keough) and absent parents (O'Neal and Cullen).

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Jonah Hex Trailer

Jonah Hex is a brand new comic book adaptation directed by Jimmy Hayward and starring Josh Brolin, John Malkovich and Megan Fox.

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The Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call New Orleans Trailer

Terrence McDonagh is a cop who's not really known for his courageous acts but when he sees a man drowning in a cell, he jumps to save him. His act of bravery might have won him a promotion to lieutenant but it's also left him with a bad back injury.

As his back becomes more of a problem McDonagh develops a serious drug problem, turning to any dark alley to find relief. Bribery and stealing drugs put into evidence become part of the norm for him, the most stability in his life comes from a relationship he has with a prostitute called Frankie but when he finds her beaten by a client, he takes matters into his own hands. Working in a drug induced state becomes more of an issue for McDonagh. Whilst trying to solve the murders of six Senegal immigrants it appears his personal life and current case will cross paths.

Directed by: Werner Herzog

Starring: Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes, Val Kilmer, Xzibit, Brad Dourif, Fairuza Balk, Shawn Hatosy, Jennifer Coolidge, Tom Bower, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Denzel Whitaker, Michael Shannon

The Runaways Trailer

Watch the trailer for The Runaways

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Bug (2007) Review

On my way out of William Friedkin's latest Bug, I overheard a gentleman in the lobby say to his companion that he hopes everyone involved in the picture fires their agents. The movie could mean at least a long stint in the doghouse for its two leads, Ashley Judd and Michael Shannon. It's regrettable, because the actors are clearly giving all they've got and then some to a project that, ultimately, amounts to a staggering miscalculation. As for Friedkin, I'm guessing he'll stay put for a few years before returning with another questionable clunker.

Working from Tracy Letts' adaptation of his own play, Friedkin gives us a five-character chamber piece, set in a downtrodden motel room out in the sticks. Bi-curious basket case Agnes (Judd) works as a waitress in a redneck bar by night, and shacks up in a motel room, in a pot-, coke-, and booze-induced stupor by day. It's her meager defense against the onslaught of just-paroled ex-husband Jerry (a beefed-up and amusing Harry Connick Jr.), who drops by to inflict verbal and physical abuse, not to mention dredging up memories of her long-lost son. The woman's only respite is her girlfriend, R.C. (Lynn Collins), a fellow waitress who's a tad too freewheeling for the reserved Agnes. Twitched-out and fragile, she meets her perfect match in the taciturn Peter (Shannon), a war veteran who harbors traumas of his own. Soon after they hook up, Peter becomes increasingly convinced that his body's been colonized by bugs -- bugs laying eggs and traveling up and down his bloodstream. Peter claims to be an escapee from a government medical lab where he was the subject of nefarious tests. He suspects the bugs were bio-engineered by the government to be tools for mind control. Before you know it, Bug has become a full-blown freak show, fueled by military-industrial conspiracies, and styled after Macbeth as the paranoid Peter and the needy Agnes become obsessive partners in mutual destruction.

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Pearl Harbor Review

There's a point in Pearl Harbor when Cuba Gooding Jr. leaps into a battleship's gun turret and starts shooting down Japanese planes while hell rages around him. It's a dramatic moment... until you realize that it's that "Show me the money!" guy from Jerry Maguire, shooting CGI bullets at a CGI plane... and you are reminded once again just how phony everything you've seen in Pearl Harbor has been.

Ironically, this incident, where ship's cook Dorie Miller took charge and shot back during America's worst hour on December 7, 1941, is just about the only true event to be found in the entire, oppressive three-hour film. (And our producers are quick to remind us of just how ripped-from-history this little vignette is. Never mind that Gooding has a pitiful excuse for a role with maybe five minutes of screen time.)

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Tigerland Review

Very Good
As it turns out, war can be hell even if you never leave home.

Joel Schumacher, director of some of the worst films in a generation (8MM, Batman & Robin, Batman Forever), redeems himself with his first really good flick since Falling Down in 1993. A tale of army recruits in their final days of training before heading to Vietnam in 1971, Tigerland is an original and modestly powerful anti-war film that never even goes "in country."

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Michael Shannon

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Michael Shannon Movies

12 Strong Trailer

12 Strong Trailer

On September 11th 2001, the America was hit by one of the worst tragedies imaginable;...

The Shape Of The Water Trailer

The Shape Of The Water Trailer

It's 1963 and Elisa (Sally Hawkins) has spent her life trying to be as normal...

Loving Movie Review

Loving Movie Review

While this film tackles a huge issue in the history of race relations in America,...

Nocturnal Animals Movie Review

Nocturnal Animals Movie Review

It's been seven years since designer Tom Ford made a splash with his award-winning writing-directing...

Nocturnal Animals Trailer

Nocturnal Animals Trailer

For a short time, Edward and Susan had a happy marriage, they lived in a...

Elvis & Nixon Movie Review

Elvis & Nixon Movie Review

This movie is based on a real meeting between Elvis Presley and Richard Nixon in...

Midnight Special Movie Review

Midnight Special Movie Review

Gifted director Jeff Nichols takes on another genre in his fourth film with actor Michael...

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Review

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Review

After 2013's beefy Man of Steel, director Zack Snyder goes even bigger and darker with...

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Trailer

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Trailer

Every superhero has a dark side and being 100% human, Batman is in doubt over...

Elvis & Nixon Trailer

Elvis & Nixon Trailer

Who would've thought that Elvis and Richard Nixon would become allies? When Elvis sporadically showed...

The Night Before Movie Review

The Night Before Movie Review

This blending of the stoner bromance with the Christmas comedy works surprisingly well, layering gross-out...

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - Official Trailer

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - Official Trailer

What happens when two superheroes with vastly differing opinions come head to head? Well, not...

Midnight Special Trailer

Midnight Special Trailer

Alton is a very special young boy who has been given a unique gift. When...

The Night Before Trailer

The Night Before Trailer

Ever since Chris, Ethan and Isaac were young, the trio of friends have always spent...
