This Is What Your Favourite Music Genre Says About Your IQ

  • 12 July 2023
Image caption Instrumental Music and Intelligence

The correlation between music and intelligence has long been established, with many studies being published throughout the years exploring the topic. One study found that intelligent individuals tended to favor more complex musical compositions, like Beethoven's Symphonies and Piano Concertos, as they were able to understand the theoretical concepts and appreciate the details. This is also the case when it comes to film scores, as they can enjoy the different layers of music and the intent behind them. Moreover, intelligent individuals are also more likely to use music as a problem-solving technique.

Additionally, a paper from the American Psychological Association journal of Evolutionary Behavioral sciences revealed a correlation between music without lyrics and high IQs, going so far as to define the preference for instrumental music as a significant predictor of intelligence. Results from a study conducted by researchers from Oxford Brookes University further solidified this claim, as students with an ear for instrumental music scored higher in intelligence than those who enjoyed music with words.

Other Genres

Another study out of Edinburgh’s Heriot-Watt University found that the different musical genres reflected various aspects of participants' personalities, not just their IQs. Individuals who favored pop music were perceived to be honest but lacked creativity, whereas those who loved rap were viewed as very confident and had high self-esteem. Lovers of jazz and classical music showcased high levels of intellect, and indie music fans showed that they were more introverted and not very motivated.

Virgil Griffith, an American software programmer, studied the relationship between musical styles and the SAT scores of the individuals who listened to them, summarizing his results in an infographic. His findings revealed that the smartest students listened to Beethoven, students with average intelligence preferred U2 and Bob Dylan, and the students who achieved the lowest scores listened to Lil Wayne and Beyonce.

Final Thoughts

While music undoubtedly plays a significant role in our lives and can enhance cognitive abilities, it is difficult to say for certain whether a person’s intelligence can be determined solely based on their musical preferences. For starters, music is subjective; as such, it can vary from person to person and is significantly influenced by factors like personal experiences and cultural backgrounds. Intelligence, on the other hand, is a multifaceted trait that depends on genetics, upbringing, and education.

Moreover, individuals can be drawn to instrumental and classical music because they wish to be perceived as smart or think it will make them smarter. The studies referenced above also do not account for individuals with varied music tastes, such as those that enjoy high-brow music like jazz but also low-brow music like rap. There is also evidence to suggest that intelligence comes in all shapes and sizes, so while someone may possess incredible mathematical abilities, another individual could be a master of languages. As such, it is crucial to recognize that intelligence cannot be accurately measured or predicted by a single factor or interest, such as musical taste.