Can Music Videos From New Artists Benefit From Text Elements

  • 03 August 2023

When we think of music videos, it can be easy to conjure thoughts of big budget productions from huge industry names. The reality is that the majority of the ones that are released across various forms of media are actually created by those trying to get noticed and build a following that will help propel them into the big time. This means that having a well-thought-out music video in high resolution that has a strong message and the ability to connect with audiences will be one of the best things that aspiring artists can have in their arsenal.

How can artists make their music videos more appealing?

It can be difficult to make an impactful music video on a budget, but the great news is that it doesn't have to be as difficult in 2023 as it once was. The main aim will be to choose the most appealing song and curate a video that will tell a story, engage viewers, and have a significant impact with little outlay, stress, or fuss. With this in mind here are some top tips for a fantastic music video:

● Properly critique your track to ensure it’s the right one

● Consider your audience

● Select the right narrative

● Think about the visual elements you will add and the tools you’ll need to facilitate them, such as video editing software, speech to text software, and similar

● Ensure that the visual elements you select are cohesive and fit the narrative of the song

● Consider whether you want a live performance style video, a location-based one, or actors and actresses to convey your story

● Create a mood board, define flow, and set a timeline for the footage to follow

● Add exclusive content where possible

What tools have the most potential when enhancing music videos?

In the modern music environment it's no secret that eye-catching visuals and a unique, never-before-seen concept are likely to get you noticed, so a free video upscaler could be more than worthwhile to get views for your project. In 2023, there is a growing focus on a host of additional features that are helping music videos reach more people and enhance engagement, and one such feature is text.

As social media has changed the way we access and consume media, as well as share content, a speech to text converter can help you to transcribe your videos and add a more valuable element that will not only help you to get your video noticed, but ensure that it can be enjoyed by audiences around the world.

The software on offer for free at CapCut will allow you to edit your videos with a built-in, streamlined editing process that is simple to use with automated subtitles and customizable editing features that will produce nothing short of a professional-looking music video that you will be proud to upload to various sites. Not only will transcriptions be performed in seconds and with just one click, but the advanced AI algorithms provide outstanding speech recognition technology that brings unmatched accuracy no matter the language, accent, or dialect that is prevalent in your music.

The custom options include the ability to select the text quality, speed, and duration, adjust font size, choose color and style, and even play with positioning. CapCut also supports an array of languages, so you can reach the audiences you really want to engage with. Subtitling is no longer limited to boring, clunky text options that would detract from visual and audio content and instead can now be tailored to meet your needs and provide a cohesive aesthetic whatever niche your music falls into. You will be able to manually adjust and edit transcriptions where necessary, all while perfectly synchronizing audio and video content.

The benefits of text elements

Adding text to your music video has an array of benefits including:

● Allowing individuals that are hard of hearing or unable to turn on audio to understand your music

● Subtitled videos perform better in search engines, as they boost SEO efforts

● Improved comprehension

● Surpassed language barriers

● Viewers are more likely to watch videos in their entirety when they have subtitles (statistics suggest that this is around 80%, as opposed to around 65% for videos without)

● Users react better to videos with subtitles and there are shown to have not only increased reach, but better reactions and click-through rates

All of these benefits make it clear to see that captioning and subtitling music videos can be one of the ultimate ways to ensure that you reach the audiences you want and get your music out into the online environment with maximum capabilities. When you combine this with the top tips for video creation mentioned above, you will have a powerhouse of potential that could set alight your music career.