Canada-born Jonathan Clancy, who currently resides in the magical red-brick city of Bologna, Italy, presents his latest band His Clancyness; a talented dreamy rock collective also comprising of bassist Paul Pieretto, drummer Jacopo Borazzo, synth/keyboardist Giulia Mazza and second bassist/vocalist Emanuela Drei.

Jonathan Clancy AKA His Clancyness

Jonathan Clancy first began to gain recognition for his music in 2009, and has had success in various other outfits aside from His Clancyness including A Classic Education. His music was often released in the palpable way that is using cassette tapes and vinyl - something that Clancy admits he's always been a fan of. 'I love the sound of it', he says, while discussing his latest cassette release 'Charade' EP. 'I love the sound of a tape in the car, it just has a thickness to it.'

Listen to 'Machines' by His Clancyness here

In 2010, he self-released 'Always Mist' - a collection of recordings on tape of which all 100 that were made were sold with immediate effect. It later saw re-release on Norwegian label Splendour and Italian label Secret Furry Hole in 2012 with an additional seven songs and landed a spot on Altered Zones' 'Tapes of the Year'. Having moved around the country for most of his life before settling in Bologna - 'I've lived in like maybe ten, twelve different cities', he revealed to us - it's obvious that cultural reflection and nostalgia have had a positive impact on his creativity and explains a lot about why he and his band are quickly becoming one of the biggest breaking talents of this year.

His Clancyness' latest album 'Vicious' is the first to be released on their new label Fat Cat Records who they signed with in March 2013. 'I kind of consider it our first album', Clancy admitted, revealing that all their previous work has been merely compilations of their singles. 'This is kind of the first release to me that is actually stuff imagined for an album'. The album was released in October and is what he describes as 'a sassy, dreamy glam rocknroll album'. While the band's previous releases were of a softer nature, Clancy says the title came to him because 'the lyrics in the songs are harsher than in the past things I've been doing'. 

An Excerpt from His Clancyness - Vicious Album Review

"Opening track 'Safe Around the Edges' sets the scene - Jonathan's laid back vocal and the band'sabstract choppy rhythms are topped with the lyric "I've been searching for a Goldrush" almost announcing his arrival as an artist. The chorus splays out becoming more sing-along and wide with the contradictory lyric of "move towards the edge to feel more safe".

Jonathan's writing shines again on stripped back track 'Avenue' with its dark whirling strings and military snare while Spector-esque production soars on instrumental track 'Castle Sand Ambient'."

Read the full His Clancyness - Vicious Album Review Here

Listen to 'Zenith Diamond' by His Clancyness here

And no wonder as this record was recorded at the studio High Bias in the poignant wasteland that is Detroit; a once flourishing city, particularly for music, that eventually gave way to nature and decay. It became an inspiration for the band to be around the 'basically farmtown in the middle of the city' and the new life that was filling the streets once again. Among some of His Clancyness' inspired tracks are the dreamy, under-produced 'Zenith Diamond', the melancholy 'Progress' and the kind of spooky echoes of 'Machines'. 

His Clancyness 2013 press picture

'Vicious' is not an album to pick up if you're into happy, fast-paced dance music, but if you want emotion and raw musicianship, you won't get much closer than this. His Clancyness is a music legend in the making, and his latest masterpiece is not worth missing out on even if it does leave you feeling a little discombobulated. Clancy says, 'I think if people can feel awkward initially when listening to the music, then after, embracing it, that would be something I would be happy about.'

Listen to 'Progress' by His Clancyness here

His Clancyness is currently on tour in the UK:
Nov 12 - Fallow Cafe, MANCHESTER, UK
Nov 14 - Broadcast, GLASGOW, UK
Nov 15 - Belgrave Music Hall, LEEDS, UK
Nov 16 - All Year's Leaving @ Hare and Hounds, BIRMINGHAM, UK w/ Yuck, Sky Larkin
Nov 24 - ATP End of An Era festival, CAMBER SANDS, UK (SOLD OUT)
Nov 25 - Birthdays, LONDON, UK (free show)

Read the full interview with His Clancyness here

Watch 'His Clancyness - Zenith Diamond' video here (US only)